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Re: Radical!
Posted By: Roach, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 22:44:24
In Reply To: Radical! posted by Jezzika on Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 17:10:22:

> When that music was popular, I was listening to Peter, Paul and Mary, like most other people born in '79. Puff the Magic Dragon and so on.
> I've noticed people either love 80's music, or despise it. My best friend refuses to be around me when I'm playing my Blondie records. So we usually end up listening to Cat Stevens or Ravi Shankar. :)
> --Jez"turning Japanese"zika

We used to sing "Puff the magic Dragon" in a music class when I was in Primary school and up until quite recently I always thought that it actually was about a Dragon called "Puff".

R"Apparantly our teacher thought so to, otherwise I don't think she would have tought it to us"oach

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