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Re: *Really Interesting* Stuff & the religious debate penalty
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 16:01:46
In Reply To: Re: *Really Interesting* Stuff & the religious debate penalty posted by eric sleator on Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 15:37:09:

> ...and you're right, Dante's layered Hell doesn't make sense, as all sins are the same in God's eyes.

Any sin causes one to fall short of the glory of God and therefore require salvation -- from that standpoint, committing all sins puts you in no more dire a situation than committing just one little one. However, there are some points in the Bible that suggest that punishment in hell may vary based on certain things. I wish I had references for you offhand, but I don't. I believe it does say something about false teachers receiving greater punishment when the time for reckoning comes. I also seem to remember something about punishment in hell having some rough correlation with how many opportunities you've had to accept the gospel, but as the only source I can cite on that one is my own head, which is not completely sure about that, best not to take that on faith, as it were, without finding supporting or dissenting evidence.

This post is sort of useless, because I can't back anything up right now, but I thought it might be something interesting to throw out.

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