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Re: opposable thumb
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999, at 12:10:36
In Reply To: opposable thumb posted by Vexed on Saturday, June 26, 1999, at 11:10:44:

> This forum is amazing. You guys are amazing. (Not forgetting the net course.) And now to transport you to depths nature never intended:
> Why is our opposable thumb where it is? I mean, it could just as well be swopped with the little finger. Or could it?
> Vexed, still vexed

Nobody asked me, but if someone wanted me to design a hand, I'd have another opposable thumb where the pinkie finger is. That's four thumbs, two on each hand. Then you could thread a needle or tie your shoe with one hand. Or you could hold two wires together with one hand and solder them with the other. If you could train your eyes to work independently you could tie both shoes at once.

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