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Re: opposable thumb
Posted By: Mr Mxytplk, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999, at 22:17:06
In Reply To: Re: opposable thumb posted by Darien on Monday, June 28, 1999, at 19:16:56:

> > > *CrAasHHh* Oh wh'have we here? How'd's Sp'ling ChXXXcker. Ap a r t form a li
> > > ttle smLdge or 3o7it sems a wo/oking Horrorr. Co$uld it be Howard's I w'nd'r.
> > >
> > > I suUUXpppposse he'd want i BAK. Wndr it ifhelped mKyBD.
> > >
> > > Mr Mtpx_ydp;f
> > You can say THAT again!
> > H
> Are you sure about that, Howard? I don't know as he can...
> P.S.: Always my favorite Superman villain...

Ooo_ohhh? D'Arien Alien lOVeD yo awreddy.
Mr Mxytplk