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Re: Changing Weather Patterns
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Friday, June 15, 2001, at 09:11:07
In Reply To: Re: Changing Weather Patterns posted by Faux Pas on Friday, June 15, 2001, at 08:36:32:

> Last RenFaire we went to, we sat through an hour-long outdoor production of "The Taming of the Shrew" during an hour-long downpour. Luckily, one of the cast memebers had an umbrella as a prop. It was rather funny watching all the other actors try to get under her umbrella.

That reminds me of a story... not involving rain, but involving plays and gettting wet. :)

In high school, I was in two plays my sophomore year - Cyrano de Bergerac and a stage production of It's A Wonderful Life. This particular incident happened during one of the many practices for Cyrano. Behind the school theater, there was a patch of grass. When not onstage or otherwise occupied, people liked to sit on the grass. The grass got watered by automatic sprinkler every evening at around 7:30.

One night, I came out of the theater (in costume; by this time we had progressed to dress rehearsals) and saw a bunch of people sitting on some older upholstered couches they'd hauled out of the green room (combination waiting-for-one's-scene place and random prop storage area). Why they had done this, I did not know, since Cyrano obviously wasn't the right era for modern couches. But whatever. What DID concern me was that it was almost 7:30, and fully half the (costumed) cast was sitting ON THE GRASS.

Me: "Uh... the sprinklers are going to come on soon. You might want to move."
Them: "Nah, they won't come on for a while."
Me: "Uh, yes they will."
Them: "You've got the time wrong. They just went in for act three..."
Me: *starts to say something*
Sprinklers: *woooosh!*

Mass panic and scrambling for 15 people to get off the grass.

Me: "Are you going to LEAVE THE COUCHES IN THE SPRINKLERS?? I don't think the prop guy will like that..."
Them: *blink* "But we're in costume..."
Me: *sigh*

They did get the couches out (by sending in the people dressed as peasants, figuring the costumes couldn't get any more battered looking), and they didn't get in trouble, but everyone was very wary of the lawn after that. :)

Sosi"was quadruple-cast in that play"qui