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Re: Changing Weather Patterns
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Friday, June 15, 2001, at 08:36:32
In Reply To: Re: Changing Weather Patterns posted by Sosiqui on Friday, June 15, 2001, at 08:15:33:

> > Sometimes these half hour rain spells were "showers," but when it comes down so thick the ground floods because it can't drain fast enough, when it hits the ground so hard you have to shout to be heard, when it comes down at Epcot (Sosiqui! High five!) so furiously that the crowds of people outdoors, even ones with rain gear, VANISH, then that ain't no shower.
> >
> > S "Leen and I couldn't even stay dry under shelter, so we finally figured, what the heck are we bothering for, and traipsed out into the unavoidable ankle-deep puddles and splashed around for fun. We were the only people out of thousands doing this." am
> (High five! Epcot rules! :))
> The rain I was stuck in was like that. I cared for about 0.2 seconds before I figured out that practically all the rides are INSIDE anyway, so I could be dry, and that even if I GOT wet, who cares? I was at EPCOT, man! :) So I ventured out undeterred by the rain, while skillions stayed behind huddling in the stores AT THE FRONT of the park. Oh, poor them, to get wet. More for me! :)
> Sosi"adores Disney World, and LOVES Epcot to death, even in the pouring Rain Of Doom"qui

Last RenFaire we went to, we sat through an hour-long outdoor production of "The Taming of the Shrew" during an hour-long downpour. Luckily, one of the cast memebers had an umbrella as a prop. It was rather funny watching all the other actors try to get under her umbrella.

In one scene, the actress with the umbrella was supposed to leave the stage, but the others who were on the stage cajoled her into staying.

-Faux "improv Shakespeare rules." Pas

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