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Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty?
Posted By: Leen, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 11:56:47
In Reply To: Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty? posted by Dave on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 16:49:53:

> This from the guy who's wife complains that he spends all day sitting at the computer ignoring her.

Yes, he gets on the computer every night, but this is his time for relaxing. Am I to take that away from him? I have NEVER said he ignores me (unless I joked about it). Yes, it might take me a couple times to get his attention (he's a guy... guys can only concentrate on one thing at once), but he doesn't ignore me. Sam is always there to do the little things for me, EVEN when he is sitting at the computer. EVERY night he gets me pillows, so that I can be comfortable on our very uncomfortable couch. He ALWAYS runs upstairs to get me anything I want, because climbing up the stairs is not easy on my knees. If I feel like he's spending too much time on the computer, he spends time with me going for walks, watching a movie, reading books, etc. I could go on and on about the little things he says and does, but I don't want to embarass him too much. ;-) computers is his hobby, and I'm not about to take that away from him... it would be like him taking horses away from me. Well, almost. ;-)

So in the future, please don't even joke about such things. You may inadvertantly hurt someone's feelings.
