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The Biological Facts
Posted By: Gahalia, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 20:39:47
In Reply To: More on (dun dun dahhhh...) Abortion posted by Jezzika on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 19:19:57:

> Some of you believe life begins at conception, and many of you believe this because of your religion. Well, not everyone in this country goes to church, and many Americans disagree with your idea of sin. When life begins cannot be dictated by religious beliefs, and there is no certain answer.

There is, most definitely, a certain answer.

Not all people hold the same set of religious beliefs, so let's take a scientific approach to this issue. What makes my life different from the life of my parents? My DNA. This molecule is how we define life.

When my father's genetic material joins that of my mother's, a completely unique set of DNA is produced. This new combination will dictate which specific proteins will form my body. Because the DNA is different, the proteins which form my body are also different. Therefore, my body is separate from my mother's body. I am a unique individual. I live, even when I am a 2 celled sphere in the home I have in my mother's womb.

The developing baby needs the mother to survive but that doesn't mean it is part of her body to dispose of as she pleases. It is life, separate and unique, beginning at the moment of fertilization and, as such, demands our utmost respect and protection.


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