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Re: The Biological Facts
Posted By: Ferrick, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 19:48:17
In Reply To: Re: The Biological Facts posted by Arthur on Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 17:13:37:

> So, true, I understand your point, but I hope you understand why I, weighing the evidence, see the brain as the seat of the soul. That has tended to be the official opinion of most Christian medical professionals in this century, pro-choice and pro-life; they don't always mean the same thing by it, obviously, but I hope you see my point. After all, which would you rather have; an artificial heart or an artificial brain? :)
> Ar"look at me, brain the size of a grapefruit and they have me debating abortion"thur

My post was written after coming upon a part of your argument that I found flawed. I tried not to state my position but instead just to question the hole in logic I felt I found. Thank you for clarifying where that came from, and, while I may not see eye to eye with you, my main goal was to understand you.

My one comment beyond all this has been said but I wish to state my side. I like reading what about what you are thinking but wading through it all can be a large task. I'm afraid that as I go through your many examples, some of them needlessly redundant, that I'm going to miss something important in your message. Because of the length of many of your posts and the attention needed, I have been choosing to avoid many of them (this isn't just with you but with many of the posts on these issues). As Brunnen_G pointed out, we can choose to censor what we read and don't need to tell others to do so unless they cross the lines but you stated that you hoped people would take the time to read and respond to your posts so that is why I offer up a suggestion. Not every post needs to be a thesis. Respond to what is asked and use a minimal amount of examples and evidence to support it. Just enough to do the job. Too much makes it seem like you are throwing up a smokescreen to mask a weak argument.

I'm impressed with some of your ideas but I'm more impressed with how you respond to people when they question you. You seem to explore what they say and why they say it instead of running away. Keep it up. This is something that will help you down the road and is a great way of thinking.

I often question things even when I agree with them.


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