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Re: Sympathy for Playstation characters
Posted By: 10Kan, on host
Date: Sunday, June 10, 2001, at 14:54:52
In Reply To: Re: Sympathy for Playstation characters posted by wintermute on Friday, June 8, 2001, at 01:30:27:

> Have you ever played "Lost Vikings"? The Original was a SNES game, "Lost Vikings 2 (Norse by Norse West)" was released for the Playstation. Both are brilliant.
> It's a very good platformer, where you have to get 3 characters with different abilities to a specific point, collecting certain items along the way.
> If you fail a given level more than a few times in a row, when it re-starts the characters take a few minutes to discuss this fact. They make comments about "trying to find all the secret areas", comlain that they're "never going to get home at this rate" and so on.

> winter"Tekken characters must get really annoyed"mute

I remember in one end-of-level dialog in TLV that goes kinda like this:

Olaf: Do you guys ever get the feeling we're being watched?
Erik: Quit being so paranoid, Olaf. There's no one watching us.
Baelog: Then who's that guy looking at us through that tiny window way over there?

Said window is, of course, your monitor.

I really prefer games wherein your character has a distinct personality, rather that just being the avatar of the player. I'd like to see an adventure or RPG wherein you, the player, assisted the protagonist solely through communication with him/her/it rather than just pulling strings.

10"This sort of stuff is still a long ways off"Kan