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Re: Sympathy for Playstation characters
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Friday, June 8, 2001, at 01:30:27
In Reply To: Sympathy for Playstation characters posted by Brunnen-G on Thursday, June 7, 2001, at 16:09:19:

> I always imagine, if those little pixelated game characters had little private lives, they'd be in there thinking "Oh DAMN, I'm being played by that MORON again who gets me killed fourteen times a minute and they haven't even worked out how to get off level one yet."

Have you ever played "Lost Vikings"? The Original was a SNES game, "Lost Vikings 2 (Norse by Norse West)" was released for the Playstation. Both are brilliant.

It's a very good platformer, where you have to get 3 characters with different abilities to a specific point, collecting certain items along the way.

If you fail a given level more than a few times in a row, when it re-starts the characters take a few minutes to discuss this fact. They make comments about "trying to find all the secret areas", comlain that they're "never going to get home at this rate" and so on.

I haven't played it for a few months now, but I read this post and thought it had to be mentioned.

winter"Tekken characters must get really annoyed"mute

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