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Can O Worms
Posted By: =Jes=, on host
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 20:33:40

I have never done ANYTHING like this before but here no particular order. Some questions, some gripes..mostly complaints. Where I come from when someone flashes their highlights at you while driving it either means "let me pass" or "go ahead, you first" or something to that effect, but here in Crapshooterville Seattle when someone has their blinker on and I let them in front by using my highlights they roll down their window and flip me off! Seattle's way of saying "thank you " I guess. I love it when people in Downtown Seattle walk against the red hand (and not in crosswalk)and look at you with that nasty look when you try and go thru the green light as directed. I like " blow it out yer ass!" the best.
oh one I seen yet.I-5 north bound going 70 mph...lady on the phone, eating a bowl of cereal (raisin bran i think) AND putting on eyeliner!..I WOULDNT LIE!( steering with knees in case you think its impossible) Mardi Gras 2001 Seattle Style : while leaving a club @ closing stepped out of door to an eyeful of teargas and 1000's of people trampling thru the streets to avoid gunfire. Man next to me was like " cool..finally some action"...three people standing next to girlfriend gets hit with bullet. I look up the street and see a man holding a gun looking the other way and unload about 8 rounds into the crowd. I went out the service entrance..(bartender wasnt too happy..i pushed him aside) Another great one here..: while taking a break from riding my bike at the Texaco near my Apt. I saw a homeless man on the corner with the sign." homeless..need money for food" pack up his sign...walk past me and get into his 99 Pathfinder..(i know make and model bro had one) 20 points for him! enough "venting" for now..I will keep all posted as it comes.

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