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Re: Moving Out Beyond the Box...
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Friday, June 8, 2001, at 23:36:50
In Reply To: Re: Moving Out Beyond the Box... posted by Leen on Friday, June 8, 2001, at 05:55:00:

> I realize now that if I had posted to the forum, it may have gone over better, but that doesn't change the fact that it is too late now.

By their very nature, informal group projects tend to be fickle. I fear I'm trying to express an overtly abstract issue here, and I don't have the words to say this properly, but no endeavor that has merit in bringing a community together is ever "too late" to discuss further, regardless of whose idea it was originally.

People can come to blows over things like this. I have occasionally seen different project managers (for example, of both a marketing survey and of a high school yearbook project) go at each other's throats when they felt that the other person had usurped "their baby" and made it into something that was not part of their original vision. Such conflicts can be avoided if one realizes that a group project does NOT belong to any one or two team leaders, but to *everybody* in the group. It goes even further than that: it isn't a distant leap of logic to realize that in a community, any type of large-scale dialogue project (such as the Message Forum) becomes, in de facto terms, something that belongs to "everybody," and likewise RinkChat belongs to "everybody"... within certain defined restrictions, of course. A project may be started with one original goal in mind, but "how it is used" is something that is often determined and changed by its users. More on that subject later, I think.

> Those are great ideas, but I still don't want it at the RinkUnion. I'm sorry for being selfish that way, but it was still originally my idea, and I still feel it would take away from the other idea I have been concocting for this and upcoming RU's. These people are more than welcome to contribute to Sosiqui's notebook through the mail, but I would really prefer it not done at the RU.

Understood. Not knowing what it is, I can nonetheless appreciate that the nature of your other idea for the RU might be derailed if it is much too similar to the "RinkBook" concept.

In any event, I fervently hope these comments have not come across as overbearing or offensive to you or anyone.

Wolf "putting my neck on the block and wondering when I'll get to the point of going too far... *shiver*" spirit