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Re: Moving Out Beyond the Box...
Posted By: Leen, on host
Date: Friday, June 8, 2001, at 05:55:00
In Reply To: Re: Moving Out Beyond the Box... posted by Wolfspirit on Friday, June 8, 2001, at 01:54:14:

> > -Dar"very ti-red"leen
> Please don't worry about it overmuch, Leen. As we have seen, message forums and IRC-type rooms are two very different beasts. I'm sure that if you had mentioned your project here, you would have found a similar response to the one Sosiqui has discovered. Likewise, Pliffilif's idea for a "RinkMusical" also has had a favorable response, though in practice that concept might be somewhat more challenging in implementation.

I realize now that if I had posted to the forum, it may have gone over better, but that doesn't change the fact that it is too late now.

> I can understand your reluctance to have an outside ScrapBook showing up at a RinkUnion, when it appears to be the result of an idea you'd had which -- for one reason or another -- was apparently rejected. What you could do, of course, is ask the folks who *would have* contributed to Sosi's book to bring their ScrapBook pages to the RinkUnion instead. So you'd create the book at the Union directly. Then, as an ongoing project, anyone who cannot attend the RinkUnions but nevertheless still wants to add to the ScrapBook, would mail their stuff -- on three-ring binder pages -- to you (or to whoever was coordinating the project at the time, in the future). With appropriate care in mailing envelopes to ensure packages get to their proper destination, The RinkBook therefore becomes something that grows and has continuation from year to year.

Those are great ideas, but I still don't want it at the RinkUnion. I'm sorry for being selfish that way, but it was still originally my idea, and I still feel it would take away from the other idea I have been concocting for this and upcoming RU's. These people are more than welcome to contribute to Sosiqui's notebook through the mail, but I would really prefer it not done at the RU.

> Actually, I would say a crucial aspect to the potential success of this project, in terms of garnering returns, would be the scanning of the resultant pages so that *everyone* can see what "their" RinkBook looks like. It will be something that belongs to everybody. If Sosiqui (or the Stoddards) have access to a really, really good colour scanner, I think that it may help immensely. Assuming there's no permanent damage done in terms of apprehension, and the whole project still gets off the ground. :-)

I do have a scanner, and if I ever do my own, will gladly scan it in for those who contributed. :)


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