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Re: Sympathy for Playstation characters
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Friday, June 8, 2001, at 17:29:24
In Reply To: Sympathy for Playstation characters posted by Brunnen-G on Thursday, June 7, 2001, at 16:09:19:

> Also, I ended up thinking how much fun it would be to set up a live-action Playstation game, the way people do live-action chess. You could have an obstacle course or something, with things to collect and things to climb up and swing across and so on, and you'd give orders to your player over a walkie-talkie. I still haven't decided whether it would be more fun to be the person directing or the person being the game character. Ideally, you'd have to swap over for the next game, so that the thought of revenge would prevent your controller from taking *too* many liberties over the tricky bits.

Heehee. That does sound like fun, for those physically able to do such things (read: not me). I might take a stab at controlling someone else though... heh, heh, heh.

Two things this post brings to mind: One, the one time I've ever really felt like I was in a computer game. That was playing Q-zar - laser tag - once when it was *the* thing. With the maze of hallways, the smoke, and of course the laser guns, I really felt like someone had stuck me into a video game. It was halfway fun and halfway freaky.

The other thing it reminds me of is how fun it is, in some games, when the characters are AWARE that they are in a game. The prime example I can find of this is LucasArts Monkey Island series. The main character, Guybrush, is very aware that he's in a game, and will sometimes complain about it or make mention of the fact, or talk right to you, the player, thereby confounding the innocent bystanders who don't know they're in a game. :) Good fun, that is.

Sosi"and of course, when you play a first-person adventure, you *are* in the game, sort of, but that seems way too serious for this ruling post"qui

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