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Re: Motion Picture Soundtracks: The Modern "Classical" Music
Posted By: Mike, the penny-stamp man, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 10:53:48
In Reply To: Re: Motion Picture Soundtracks: The Modern "Classical" Music posted by wintermute on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 01:44:10:

> > > I don't care much for modern symphonic musical trends. Discord and cacophany is not music in my book, it's simply, well, discord and cacophany.
> >
> > Careful how you say that--even some of Beethoven's later work dabbled in atonality. Pinpointing where such trends started is really difficult, but rest assured that the most disfunctional-sounding stuff came out of the World War
> "The" World War? Which one?
> winter"Last I heard, there had been 2"mute

Nup. There's only one, the one that cuts off posts in the middle of sentences, sometimes even lopping the "s" off the word "wars".

And i hate that, too, because what followed was easily T3H B3T5 P05T 3\/4R!!!!!!!!11

Oh, well. Point is, most of the crazy dissonance came out of Europeans whose world was quite insane due to the wars. And when the wars left, so did a lot of that type of composition. Now in music, anything goes, but we can all rest assured that most of the good stuff will be remembered, or the fluff will at least be remembered as if it were good.
It all comes to a point at which, as Duke Ellington said, "If it sounds good, it IS good." And who's to say whether Bach and Haydn weren't really the musical morons of their day, preserved only cuz the right people liked their work, and that the real geniuses among their contemporaries are forgotten until the end of time?

Penny "We'll get by somehow, thanks to artistic marvels like N*Sync and David Hasselhoff" stamp
