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Re: Motion Picture Soundtracks: The Modern "Classical" Music
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 01:44:10
In Reply To: Re: Motion Picture Soundtracks: The Modern "Classical" Music posted by Mike, the penny-stamp man on Monday, May 28, 2001, at 15:38:11:

> > I don't care much for modern symphonic musical trends. Discord and cacophany is not music in my book, it's simply, well, discord and cacophany.
> Careful how you say that--even some of Beethoven's later work dabbled in atonality. Pinpointing where such trends started is really difficult, but rest assured that the most disfunctional-sounding stuff came out of the World War

"The" World War? Which one?

winter"Last I heard, there had been 2"mute

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