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Re: Grishny's translated job
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Monday, May 28, 2001, at 15:51:44
In Reply To: Re: 6R!5H-|<|\|33 60TZ d4 j0B!¡!!!¡111!1 (Grishny got the job!) posted by Sakura on Monday, May 28, 2001, at 09:24:35:

> So I get to start at my new job on Monday, June 4, 8 to 5! I am really excited about it! So, RinkWorks dudes, you can wish me good luck at my new job! It's called "Elder-Beerman" and no, I am not making beer.

[Thank you SO much, Sakura! :)] Elder-Beerman sounds like either a very weird superhero or the title of some occult village authority in a fantasy novel. "BOW before the Elder Beerman, slaves!" Hm, maybe not. Or maybe it's what an Elder Statesman becomes after he retires.

>I do not believe in beer EXISTS! I've SEEN it! And so have many people of unimpeachable judgement and character! You can say all you like about there being no scientific evidence, Grishny, and I do admit that all of these reported sightings occurred in the presence of alcohol and often in poorly lit areas, but the truth is out there. And so is the beer.

Brunnen-"that doesn't mean I'd ever drink the stuff voluntarily"G