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Re: 6R!5H-|<|\|33 60TZ d4 j0B!¡!!!¡111!1 (Grishny got the job!)
Posted By: Sakura, on host
Date: Monday, May 28, 2001, at 09:24:35
In Reply To: 6R!5H-|<|\|33 60TZ d4 j0B!¡!!!¡111!1 posted by Grishny on Friday, May 25, 2001, at 13:33:00:

For the h4x0r-impaired, I shall now endeavor to provide a translation for this post. (By the way, congrats, Grishy. :-) )



> i t4lk3d 0n d4 ph0n3 a whi3lz 4g0 whit t3h HUM4N R350UR535 CH1XX0R 4t t3h c0mp4n¥ i in3tr3vi3wde wiht 0n w3dni3sd4¥ 4ND I 60TZ D4 J00B!!!1 d00dZ i 4M 50000 3Xit3d cuz i b3n3 w4itin6 500 l0n6 4 tih5 j0bb!!! i g3tz 2 d0 6r4phiXX d35i6n li3k m¥ d3gr33 s3z 4nD 4 600D $$$$$$$MONEES$$$$$$$$ 2!!11! (((KIN U T377 I M 3XIT3D??!!1!~?))))

I talked on the phone a while ago with the human resources woman at the company I interviewed with on Wednesday and I got the job! Dudes, I am so excited because I've been waiting so long for this job! I get to do graphic design like my degree says and for good money, too! (Can you tell I am excited?)

> 50 i 63tz 2 5t4rt 4t m¥ n00 j00b 0n m0nd4y J00n 4 8 2 5! i 4m r3477¥ 3XXXXit3d buot ti!!! 50 rinkwrkz d00dZ u c4n 477 wshi m3 g00d 7uKKz0rz 4t my n00 j0bb!!! it'5 c4773d "Edl3r b33Rm4n" an d NO I M N0T m4kinG B33RZ I d0 n0t b3l33v3 iN b33#rz n w0uld n0t d0 a j00b were t3hy w4nt3d m23 2 d0 th4t 50 itis OK.

So I get to start at my new job on Monday, June 4, 8 to 5! I am really excited about it! So, RinkWorks dudes, you can wish me good luck at my new job! It's called "Elder-Beerman" and no, I am not making beer. I do not believe in beer and would not do a job where they wanted me to do that, so it is OK.

> tehy h4v3 thsi r0XX0R w3B 51T3 I WI77 SHOW U!!!!11!!lololLLL!

They have this [direct translation near-impossible, but "ruling" would work] web site I will show you! LOL!

> 6ri"r0XX0r d00dZ!1!"5hn¥

Gri"[ruling] dudes!"shny

(Saku[And there you have it]ra)

Link: [Ruling] web site of the place where I got the job!

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