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Re: "Game of the Ages" update
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at 14:55:27
In Reply To: Re: "Game of the Ages" update posted by Issachar on Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at 13:21:33:

> [...] Keeping this in mind, I think that I'm trying to settle for making a game that does not attempt to compete or even compare with the "greats", but is involving and fun to play within its inherent limitations.
> (Listen to me critiquing the AGL engine as if I had a scrap of understanding about its complexity compared with other systems. Sheesh. I hope I haven't managed to give offense or suggest that AGL isn't a cool and darned impressive creation.)

No, I understand exactly what you mean -- and I feel much the same way. I'm less interested in the "interactive fiction" part of it and more interested in the "adventure game" part, but my feelings are much the same. I'd love to write something of the calibre of Monkey Island -- even the first one, let alone the most recent. The unfortunate fact is that these games have gotten too huge for one person to do, especially one not doing it for one's primary source of income. But the wonderful thing about it is that I *can* do something less ambitious that still satisfies my unquenchable drive to create such blends of stories, puzzles, and worlds. And as much as I'd like to do something more feature-rich, AGL doesn't feel like something that falls short of my dreams and expectations, because I don't see the engine's limitations as restraints, just parameters. So I know exactly where you're coming from.

The defining paradox here, which is what makes all the difference, I think, is that you can't do *everything* in AGL, but the number of things you *can* do is infinite.

> I'll probably solicit the help of RinkReaders as beta-testers, if they don't mind playing through the game in an unpolished state, and with your permission to grant them access to whatever beta-form you use to test the game before adding it to the site.

The decision is up to you, but (apologies to everyone) I recommend against it. I wouldn't mind the aid of a beta tester or two for GotA, but the experience of the game is essentially ruined for the beta tester. My focus is so firmly zeroed in on entertaining my readers that I feel quite uncomfortable about ruining it for even one who is more than willing. Your priorities may well be different from mine; nevertheless my recommendation is to keep things thoroughly under wraps until the grand opening.

Besides, you'll get more beta feedback from me than you know what to do with, trust me.

> I crave feedback on ways to improve the prose, characterization, and other elements of style, since I haven't really taken on a project like this before, and the writing style I've been using may or may not fit the genre of interactive fiction as well as it could.

From what you've shown me previously, I don't think you have anything whatsoever to worry about.

> I also really hope to someday come up with a working name for my own AGL design, so I don't have to keep calling it "my AGL design", but that perfect title has thus far been too elusive.

How about "Gesechtenmitten"? No, I have no idea what it means.

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