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Re: A funny thing happened while I was reading the forum. . .
Posted By: Tess, on host
Date: Friday, May 25, 2001, at 23:17:21
In Reply To: Re: A funny thing happened while I was reading the forum. . . posted by Grishny on Friday, May 25, 2001, at 14:04:21:

> I threw on some clothes and ran outside. It turned out that a drunk driving a big truck had come speeding around that corner (from going east on the cross-street to going south down our street) and slammed into the sides of several vehicles that were parked on our side of the road. It did some pretty major damage to the first of the three cars it hit, and succesively less to each car going down the road. I think the second car got a broken window and a mirror knocked off, and the third just got some scraped paint.

Heh, I just remembered this story (talking about the drunk driver helped me remember). . .
Once upon a time, some friends and I went to the grocery market in the next town to visit her sister at work. At about 1 AM, we walked out and began talking in the parking lot. Next thing we knew, this street sweeper came careening down the boulevard (4 lanes...) and then suddenly swerved and rolled over. We all looked at eachother and just stared wide eyed at eachother.
Then a group of teenagers (playing truth-or-dare, or something...'cause one of the males was wearing a bikini. . . .)told us what they had seen. Apparantly, the man had jumped out at the near-by intersection, and the street sweeper just went on with out him. By this time, there were about 8 (really, 8) police cars, 1 fire truck, and 1 ambulance.
We just sat and watched the spectacle for a while, and the road was blocked off, so we couldn't really leave...then, next thing we knew, this person came driving down the road, and hit one of the police cars on blockade, then drove off.
Duh, there are 7 other police cars around...and thus ensued a high speed chase. Very exciting.
After we finally got out of there, we went to late night dinner at a diner...and on the way home, we saw a tow truck pulling away the police car.
A few weeks later, I was reading the newspaper...and there was a *tiiiiiiny* little article about what had gone on. Apparantly, the street sweeper operator had gotten out for a second..and a drunk jumped in, drove off, and had a little bit of a joy ride. The street sweeper's finaly resting place was about 20 miles away from where it had begun, at another super-market...
