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Re: A funny thing happened while I was reading the forum. . .
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, May 25, 2001, at 14:04:21
In Reply To: A funny thing happened while I was reading the forum. . . posted by Tess on Friday, May 25, 2001, at 09:24:31:

Something similar to that happened to us a couple years ago. We used to live on the first floor of an old historical house that had been made into apartments. Our bedroom window looked out onto the street. We were located just two houses away from the end of the block, and our street ended in an intersection like the one that comes into yours, only it was sort of at an angle to the road it went into rather than perpendicular to it. Kind of like this:

/ / / / \
/ / / / / \
US / \
/ / / / / / / \
/ / / / / / / / \

Anyway, one night after we had gone to bed, around 10:30 or 11:00, we heard a tremendous CRASH *right outside* our bedroom window! Any thoughts of sleep quickly fled our brains, and I jumped up to look out the window. All our neighbors were in the street or starting to emerge from their homes, but I couldn't see what was the matter.

I threw on some clothes and ran outside. It turned out that a drunk driving a big truck had come speeding around that corner (from going east on the cross-street to going south down our street) and slammed into the sides of several vehicles that were parked on our side of the road. It did some pretty major damage to the first of the three cars it hit, and succesively less to each car going down the road. I think the second car got a broken window and a mirror knocked off, and the third just got some scraped paint.

The police got there pretty quickly for us too, and they caught the guy. The evidence he left behind in the road (peices of his vehicle) probably helped. He had to pay damages on all the cars he had smashed, as well as whatever fines and penalties the law laid on him.

I sure was glad I had parked on the other side of the street that evening.


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