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Re: Redwall Rules!
Posted By: LaZorra, on host
Date: Saturday, May 19, 2001, at 19:41:09
In Reply To: Re: Redwall Rules! posted by 10Kan on Saturday, May 19, 2001, at 09:31:35:

> Ah, yes, The Redwall series. I read many of those while I was in middle school. How many books are there now? As I recall, I enjoyed them immensely at the time.
> However, after I had read all the Redwall books that were published at the time (so far as I knew,) I felt as if the plot each book was nearly identical.

You are so right. I love the Redwall series (reminds me somewhat of Wind In The Willows), but the plots are extremely similar. I still enjoy them, though.

> [snip] Of course, I'm sure that Mr. Jacques (is that spelled right?) has written many more by now. Hopefully they don't all follow the same formula.

I think there are ten or eleven Redwall books now, and most of them revolove areound the same plot (the one book with a notable difference is The Bellmaker).

>[snip] 10"Just finished reading C.S. Lewis' Perelandra yesterday. Now THAT'S an original book!"Kan

I SO want to read that. I just can't remember to order it from the library :P

La "What was my name again?" Zorra