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Re: An Odd Question That Popped Into My Head
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 07:15:41
In Reply To: Re: An Odd Question That Popped Into My Head posted by wintermute on Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 05:28:55:

Somehow RinkForum censored my post (Boo. I want my free speech!), so I'll put the last bit of it in a follow up.

> Overall I quite like America, I just wish it would stop thinking ...

... that it has a moral right to hold itself up as a champion of democracy.

> There are always those who do say malicious things and mean them, but I for one hope they remain a minority.

Oh, I hope so. That kind of person spoils it for everyone.

winter"my hatred of the French is quite genuine, though"mute