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Random questions
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 05:38:28

Who cares if it's raining at the airport?

Why did my mom always put me to bed when I was wide awake and then wake me up when I was sleepy?

How come Russia and China were our friends in the early 1940's and Germany and Japan were our enemies? How did it all get turned around?

Why is RinkWorks always down for maintenance when I try to post a long, long message to the forum?

Why does the rain in Spain fall mainly on the plain? Don't they have adiabatic cooling over there?

Why do I have to click on "start" when I want to turn off my computer?

Rocky Mountains? Aren't all mountains made of rock?

Why do we call one of our oldest cities *New* York?

Why did we put North Carolina down south and South Dakota up north?

Why does the dome light in my truck only work in months with an R in them?

If all of those people who think pennies are worthless, would send them to me, I'd be rich.
Is there a flaw in that?

Isn't the "L" in Norfolk silent? Why doesn't somebody tell that to the flight attendents?

How can I find the "O" in Eau Claire? All the other vowels are there.

Why did we name our largest ocean (the one that is wracked with storms and surrounded by the Ring of Fire and subject to tsunamis)Pacific? Doesn't that mean "peaceful?"

Who's running this country? Is anybody?

If the price of gasoline is determined by the law of supply and demand, why is the price going up when there is plenty of gasoline?

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