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Re: Sam, about the site journal...
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2001, at 20:40:35
In Reply To: Re: Sam, about the site journal... posted by Darien on Thursday, May 3, 2001, at 05:12:24:

> > Can't do it. One, I'm much too possessive of RinkWorks to allow that -- I take pride in my work and don't want to give up credit.
> I'm curious - is it the credit you don't want to give up, or the feeling of actually doing the work yourself?

The pride I take in the labor. Computer Stupidities is something I assembled myself. In that case I actually *don't* take formal credit, because the material, with the exception of just a small handful of my own anecdotes, comes from others. But I put a lot of work into it nonetheless. Formatting is tedious, and sorting through submission is more so. (For every accepted anecdote, there were three more that didn't make it; for every two accepted anecdotes, one was slovenly spelled.) Credit or not, my motivation for doing ANY part of RinkWorks is that it's mine -- my own little piece of the world that I can fashion myself. There's a lot of pride and joy there that just can't carry over if I delegate labor out to others too much. True, I do that on occasion -- and certainly the forum and the IABBBBM reader reviews are communal projects -- but the responsibility still ultimately reverts back to me even in those areas where the creative effort and credit go to others. This is why I can't hand over the reigns on a whole feature like that.

> I'm just trying to make sure you're not undervaluing us -

Absolutely not. You guys are great. And a lot of you are more than talented and persevering enough to do the jobs. But I'd rather see that energy put to use on your own web sites. The Left-Handed Mess...HereZone...and so forth. There is web beyond RinkWorks.

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