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Re: Sam, about the site journal...
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2001, at 05:12:24
In Reply To: Re: Sam, about the site journal... posted by Sam on Wednesday, May 2, 2001, at 21:59:48:

> Can't do it. One, I'm much too possessive of RinkWorks to allow that -- I take pride in my work and don't want to give up credit.

I'm curious - is it the credit you don't want to give up, or the feeling of actually doing the work yourself? If it's the former, then I for one would be happy to do whatever I could to help out, and remain totally uncredited. I'd be content to work uncredited to keep CS and TPS running, anyhow.

> Three, it's a lot more work than sifting funny from dumb: you also have to know what the 1000+ existing anecdotes are so you don't accept a duplicate, correct grammar and punctuation, prune the verbose stories down to the minimum amount required to convey the point and punctuate the humor, format technical terms and emphasis according to the style rules of the site to maintain consistency, format the anecdotes into the standard HTML form, understand the inscrutable sorting rules I vaguely have in my head, and then perform the manual work of inserting the new stories, which includes linking up the NEW tags properly. It's only a simple task if you're not as demanding as I am about the details.

It's a complicated task, but we do have some smart people around here who could certainly handle it. I know I myself could handle that entire list right as things are; the only possible exception is understanding your sorting rules - at any rate, you'd only have to explain it once.

But, hey. I certainly don't mean to come off like I'm trying to push you into anything. If you really don't want to delegate anything, that's your choice, and I for one am certainly not going to hate you for it :-}. I'm just trying to make sure you're not undervaluing us - there are people here who would be pleased to help out, and not as "co-editors," or as "employees," but as *friends.* And if there's anything we friends can do to help you out, just give a hollar. :-}

- Darien

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