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I'm back, but that doesn't make a good subject, so...
Posted By: Melanie, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2001, at 16:23:51

Well, my monitor is fixed, so I'm back on Rinkworks. Unfortunately that is a horrible post. So, completely unlike me, I am going to post about my life. Heck, it might even be a learning experience.

This weekend I'm going to Toronto. It sounds exciting but it's really not. We're going to see the play Mama Mia and go out to dinner and the science center and then come back. It will be a lot of fun, but I've got more interesting things going on in my life now. Has anyone on here ever seen Mama Mia? I sort of wonder what it's about...

I'm doing a debate in Speech. I have to say why welfare should be kept in the U.s. Everyone in my class absolutely hates it for some reason. I really kind of resent that, seeing as my family gets food stamps, medicaid and other benefits, and I am not the kind of person they think goes on welfare at all. Some people are quite unfairly prejudiced. I know nobody like paying taxes to help other people who don't work survive, but I would probably have to drop out of school or something without it. Myself, I definitely see a reason for welfare...

Next week my Junior Critique is due. I read the book the Fountainhead, because my mom recommended it to me. When I read it, I thought about the stuff in it and decided I was sort of like Dominique Francon of all of them. I don't know if that's true, but have you ever read a book and sympathized with a character which you later found out you weren't ever really like? Maybe years from now I'll feel that. Who knows. Anyway, I liked the book, even though it was overly philosophical and boring in parts. My English teacher is murdering it though by making me critique it. It's very confusing and boring. I really really hate English. Has anyone else here ever read Ayn Rand?

After my critique is due, the junior prom is like three days later. I have my dress, but nothing else. My mom keeps telling me she'll buy me shoes, but she hasn't yet. My date dumped me for his girlfriend. That made me feel like a loser, but I was really mad at him because he decided to take her instead of me in January, but I had to call HIM in April in order to find out about it. I would probably have gone until the prom without knowing if a mutual friend hadn't said he was going with her. I smile at him in the hallway, but I haven't really been civil with him since then. I don't have any other prospects for a date, since my best guy friend refuses to go on the basis that prom's are tacky. I think he's really afraid he doesn't dance well and he'll look stupid. Men. I think that this one guy tried to ask me, but he was talking about another girl when he said it. Real macho you know? Like he didn't care if I wanted to go with him or not. So I just asked him if he'd dance with me. I wonder how he felt about that...

After the prom is my Ap test. I haven't studied. At all. I know I could get a 3 or a 4 if I did, but all the stuff I have to do is majorly stressing me out already. I've been hiding from the world by reading Anita Blake novels(if you've ever read them they are all adventure, romance and mystery and not a lot of thought or philosophy. Perfect when you are bummed out). Plus my counselor decided to talk to me about college again. And I still don't have enough personal interest in my community(i.e community service) for her taste. She suggested tutoring. I thought maybe I could do that, if the person I was supposed to tutor was as patient with my odd way of teaching as I'm supposed to be with them. Oh well. I'm thinking of going to Wells since my school decided to nominate me for a scholarship to their and they actually have a pretty decent college. The only problem is its a very small, private all girls school. I don't know.

Well, I've bored you enough with my life. Did anyone miss me? *innocent smile*. If I can get a few extra hours in the day I will probably be in to chat. I've kind of missed that, including the RinkAwards, which I really wanted to be at. I have nothing else to say. Hi again everybody!

Mel"Nervous about this whole personal post thing. There are some places no man should ever go..."anie

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