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Re: Six Flags!
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 18:55:06
In Reply To: Re: Six Flags! posted by Sosiqui on Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 18:18:13:

> *hates any kind of upside-down ride and shall never ever ever be coaxed to go on one again, not in a million skillion years* Moderate? Gah. You people who can stand being inverted scare me.

LOL. In chat, ask Dave about being inverted. Unless you'd rather guess his symmetries. :)
> > (Sorry for anyone who likes cheerleading, but my idea of fun is not watching elementary school girls in skimpy outfits making derogatory gestures, which is what the entire act consisted of.)
> Bleh. You know, some cheerleading IS actually pretty good... like advanced competition can do some seriously amazing stuff, gymnastics-wise. Sounds like all you got was tripe, though.

And ELEMENTARY-SCHOOL GIRLS IN SKIMPY OUTFITS. I bet many a perverted male("perverted" as a type of male rather than a description of the entire set) enjoyed that... BLECH. *dumps solid nitrogen in their pants(In this case, it doesn't matter what you mean by pants; I'm not looking down there)*

> Ich. That's annoying. Don't you just love people like that? :p

Ja. Ich *verehre* sie gerade. :P

> > Soon, my CD stopped and I put in Jars of Clay.
> Due to Teh Typopo Of Teh Ages, I must forever crack up at any mention of Jars or of Flood. Heehee. ;)

Rule 6!

> > Last order of business: Sleep in a real bed. Ahh, rest.
> >
> Sleeeeeeeep good.
> Sosi"never been to Magic Mountain"qui


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