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Re: Six Flags!
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 18:18:13
In Reply To: Six Flags! posted by ria on Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 11:24:22:

> I've been gone for the past couple days (not that anyone noticed).

I noticed. :p

> I listened to CDs and read my Bible and Left Behind (the former for the third or fourth time- it's a big Book!- the latter for the elenventh or so time) while everyone else... well... talked.

Some books you can just read again and again and again and again... heehee. :) Ruling.

> I was being bugged by my teacher to "hang" with "those two nice girls" or "that cool group." I, however, had other, simpler plans -- to "hang" (the teacher's word, not mine) with the kids from my school (only ten of us came, but two of them split off by themselves).

Ick. I always HATED that in high school... patronizing teachers who are convinced your problems in life will be solved if you are 'cool'. Bleh. :p At least you knew better. ;)

> The worst I'd been on before that day was the Revolution, which only has a loop or two, so I was a little uneasy when the boys led us straight to the Viper. If you don't know, that's probably what someone would call a "moderate" ride- a couple not-too-steep drops, tons of loops, and a bunch of sharp turns.

*hates any kind of upside-down ride and shall never ever ever be coaxed to go on one again, not in a million skillion years* Moderate? Gah. You people who can stand being inverted scare me.

> but we wanted to sit down, so we went to the Laughing Dragon.


> Uh, no. If we were going to spend $15 on food, we were going to spend it on real food. So we (the girls- the guys were at a separate table) took off.

Smart move. Food in amusement parks is SO expensive. Of course, this is from the person who will joyfully spend $15 for lunch at the Blue Bayou restaurant in Disneyland, just so she can eat a Monte Cristo... yum. :)

> (Sorry for anyone who likes cheerleading, but my idea of fun is not watching elementary school girls in skimpy outfits making derogatory gestures, which is what the entire act consisted of.)

Bleh. You know, some cheerleading IS actually pretty good... like advanced competition can do some seriously amazing stuff, gymnastics-wise. Sounds like all you got was tripe, though.

> We played a few games at this time (Cassie and Tenisha spent about $20 each trying to get a baseball in a milk jug. I, however, decided not to waste my money when I know my lack of skill at throwing round objects with any type of real aim).

I won a giant neon fish pillow at Marine World (before it became a Six Flags) before. Just thought I'd share.

> Cassie and Tenisha spotted two "cute" guys outside the ride and waved for them to wait for us. Oh, joy.

Gah, gah, gah. Thank heavens I only hung out with people just as shy (or not-flirty) as myself, so that none of us ever picked up random guys. (Of course, there was the incident with the waiter at Carrow's, but that's another story. Heehee. And no, that DIDN'T involve ME doing any flirting or picking up.)

> Imagine a Ria with tapping fingers, tapping feet, a cocked hip, and a very, very impatient aura. That was me for ten minutes.

Unlike Nyperold, I can imagine it. Heehee. ;) But the park only stays open until 10:30? Wimps. I love going to Disneyland and staying there until past midnight. That rules.

> Apparently, some lady had a dent on her rental car and decided to blame it on us. She didn't even have a driver's license with her, so I don't know why she even bothered.

Ich. That's annoying. Don't you just love people like that? :p

> Soon, my CD stopped and I put in Jars of Clay.

Due to Teh Typopo Of Teh Ages, I must forever crack up at any mention of Jars or of Flood. Heehee. ;)

> Last order of business: Sleep in a real bed. Ahh, rest.

Sleeeeeeeep good.

Sosi"never been to Magic Mountain"qui

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