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Re: Understanding (re: latest Site Journal entry)
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 17:18:39
In Reply To: Re: Understanding (re: latest Site Journal entry) posted by Sam on Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 13:05:27:

> > Ditto to all of it. ;-) You beat me because I was at Six Flags all yesterday and I slept in today.
> >
> > Seriously, though. Sam, if you want to get rid of old stuff and come in with the new, do so. Make sure, however, to keep backups of the old features- you may want to bring them back someday (if only for viewing and not for updating) or maybe you'd just like to browse *through* it again someday. I don't know if you're a pack rat like me, but I have every site except for my first few tries backed up. I just love going through them again to see how I've learned. 'Course, I'm just a nostalgic kid, so who am I to say? :-)
> Oh, I'd never get rid of anything. I *like* all the stuff on RinkWorks now. I just don't want to do it all anymore. I'm certainly not going to shut off things I invested a lot of time into. I'm just going to stop updating a lot of things and redirect that energy into the production of new features.

Keep the Forum, Sam. I'm addicted.

Every now and then I run across an abandonded website. No updates since 19XX. Some stuff not working. It's sad. You can almost see the cobwebs. Don't ever, ever let that happen to RinkWorks. It's better to open the seacocks and scuttle it, rather than let it drift into the twilight zone.

As for my website, I still enjoy it and update a couple of times a week. I just added a new feature called "Picture of the Week." How's that for originality? And I bet you think I'm not going to shamelessly plug it with a link. But I am.

Link: see my new features