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Re: Understanding (re: latest Site Journal entry)
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 13:05:27
In Reply To: Re: Understanding (re: latest Site Journal entry) posted by ria on Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 10:01:57:

> Ditto to all of it. ;-) You beat me because I was at Six Flags all yesterday and I slept in today.
> Seriously, though. Sam, if you want to get rid of old stuff and come in with the new, do so. Make sure, however, to keep backups of the old features- you may want to bring them back someday (if only for viewing and not for updating) or maybe you'd just like to browse *through* it again someday. I don't know if you're a pack rat like me, but I have every site except for my first few tries backed up. I just love going through them again to see how I've learned. 'Course, I'm just a nostalgic kid, so who am I to say? :-)

Oh, I'd never get rid of anything. I *like* all the stuff on RinkWorks now. I just don't want to do it all anymore. I'm certainly not going to shut off things I invested a lot of time into. I'm just going to stop updating a lot of things and redirect that energy into the production of new features.

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