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Re: What was in our Outdoor Grill - Hanta
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at 10:42:58
In Reply To: Re: What was in our Outdoor Grill - Hanta posted by Don the Monkeyman on Friday, April 20, 2001, at 15:58:24:

> > where a person's lungs fill with plasma and he basically drowns in his own fluids. In the FAQ on the site, the answer to the question "Can HPS be fatal?" is "Absolutely. Untreated cases of HPS are almost always fatal."
> Well, the clause "untreated" indicates to me that there IS some sort of treatment available-- that makes me feel better, anyway.

Uh, well, maybe I should have mentioned that the only "treatment" available for hantavirus infection is mechanical and palliative -- similar to the intensive life support needed to handle other virally-induced yet incurable hemorrhagic fevers, like dengue or ebola. HPS treatment means forced oxygen and tubes running all over the place aspirating bodily fluids, and losing lots of sleep. Eep.

When you see 'advertisements' on medical sites screaming "Advanced Professional Treatment for HPS Using Hypnotherapy and Sleep Subliminals!", then you know that we're dealing with an illness a bit beyond the scope of modern medicine.

Link: Complete Therapy for Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome: Only $400!

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