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Re: Embarrassment alert
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, April 23, 2001, at 18:47:29
In Reply To: Embarrassment alert posted by Philbee on Monday, April 23, 2001, at 01:26:40:

> I just did possibly the most embarrassing thing of my life. Coming back from the Easter holidays to my school (I'm in Year 11, I don't know what that is in US grades), I got myself all worked up over my French homework, packed my bag carefully, came into school...and whoops, non-pupil day. I am now standing in a library having just emailed my dad, wondering what the heck to do next, and I've just realised that I won't be able to get back home for another three and a half hours. Oh well. If my form tutor carries out her threat of putting up a big banner tomorrow saying "WELCOME BACK PHILIP" I am probably going to punch her in the teeth. Never mind.
> Phil-"I am now wallowing in the awful cesspools of my own embarrassment so don't even speak to me"-bee

As one who routinely embarrasses himself to a great magnitude, let me offer condolences.
I never did that one, but only because I never thought of it. I did, however, sleep until 11 a.m. one Saturday when I was in college. It was past noon before I found out that it was really Friday, and I had missed two classes, and was late for work. I managed to survive.

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