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Re: Random People Moment
Posted By: teach, on host
Date: Friday, April 6, 2001, at 17:43:44
In Reply To: Random People Moment posted by Gahalia on Thursday, April 5, 2001, at 23:25:00:

> I was wondering if anyone else has had any of these really random people experiences. You've never met a person before and your conversation is short, but it's something you'll remember for a while.
Try having children - they're a magnet for random people moments!

I was with my daughter in a grocery store, not really paying attention to the line, when I realized I was behind this BIG, mean-looking biker-guy with flowing white hair, a beard, and tatoos on about 90% of visible surfaces.

My daughter (three at the time), starts yelling "It's Santa, it's Santa!" I'm totally mortified, and then the biker turns around, and says . . .

"And have you been a good girl this year?"

Love it!