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Re: Rejected Marketing Slogans
Posted By: Paul A., on host
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2001, at 03:28:22
In Reply To: Re: Rejected Marketing Slogans posted by Brunnen-G on Friday, March 30, 2001, at 22:51:20:

> My favourite showed this uncoordinated, pudgy little kid trying to play basketball against
> a seven-foot-tall pro basketballer and being generally slammed all over the court. Then the
> little kid drinks a can of 7-Up (or whatever it was) and suddenly starts acting all cool and funky
> and says ominously "You're in MY world NOW." They start playing again, and the pro basketballer
> CONTINUES to slam the pudgy little kid all over the court.
> The ad ended with the slogan, "If it made you play sports better, don't you think it would cost
> more than $1 a can?"

That sounds like the old Sprite campaign.

"Image is nothing. Thirst is everything. Obey your thirst."

Someone I know, who occasionally has the urge to write poems in the style of Archy the Cockroach[1], wrote one about this ad campaign.

"the ads are actually very
funny besides being so philosophically
bent they really stay with me
i think of them whenever i obey
my thirst and drink a coca cola"


[1] The writer Don Marquis published a series of poems that he claimed were written by a large cockroach that came out at night and jumped around on the keys of his typewriter. Since the cockroach was unable to hold down the shift key, all his communications were in lower case and sans punctuation.
There's a good page about Archy the Cockroach at

Link: the whole poem: 'Archy Applauds Advertising'