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My Dad
Posted By: Leen, on host
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 19:45:10

Thanks to all that said a prayer for my Dad. He's doing great. :) He ended up having a triple bipass as they couldn't find enough good arteries to do a quadruple (for those who don't know, they take arteries elsewhere in the body, usually on the leg, to put in the heart... my Dad has vericose veins real bad in 1 leg, which is why they had trouble). I spent the day in the waiting room keeping my mom company (as did all my other siblings), as she was really worried. We did get to visit my dad a few times for a couple minutes, and he looked better and better each time... the doctor said that he is doing great, and should be able to go home in 5 days!Last I knew he was off the breathing tube, and when I went to say bye he whispered "Love you". :'-)


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