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Re: Lost in Space
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Friday, October 9, 1998, at 11:00:33
In Reply To: Re: Lost in Space posted by Darien on Thursday, October 8, 1998, at 19:07:20:

>> Oh. So what you're saying is that it sounds to
>>you like motion causes a Doppler shift in the
>>"time waves"? That's an intriguing idea, but it
>>falls short because it tacitly assumes a
>>point-source for time. You'd have to have
>>"time" waving from some central point. Also,
>>you'd be able to pinpoint where it was in space
>>by moving in different directions. Time would
>>move faster as you went towards the "time
>>source" and slower as you moved away from it.
> But, if those time-waves are emanating from a
>fourth-dimensional point, and sort of "washing
>over" our world - the way light or sound would if
>shined on a piece of paper - then we could assume
>that one cannot draw a significant distance away
>from the time-source. This would also clean up a
>bit of the question of alternate universes: they
>may well be areas bathed in time wave emanating
>from a different point in 4-space.

But I suspect we'd still be able to detect which "direction" the wave was traveling in. Time dilation would be a matter of simple velocity causing a slowdown, it would be velocity in a certain direction causing a slowdown, and velocity in another direction causing a speed-up.

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