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Re: Lost in Space
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Monday, October 12, 1998, at 21:33:39
In Reply To: Re: Lost in Space posted by Darien on Monday, October 12, 1998, at 20:27:33:

> > Your own statement disproves your theory. If you can't travel away or towards the source, you'll never notice a difference no matter how fast you go. Therefore, no time dilation (or Doppler shift of the "light source" you posited above, which amounts to the same thing in your theory.) Since both the Doppler effect and time dilation have been experimentally shown to exist, then your "4D time wave" theory must be wrong, as it contradicts the experimental data.
> It would - if I said that. But what I said (or what I MEANT, anyway) is that one cannot travel *directly* away from or toward the source. That is to say, one cannot travel in a direction exactly parallel to the emanations.

You're really reaching here. For this theory to
work, you can't just restrict exact parallel movement
but all movement that isn't exactly perpendicular.
And if you can only move perpendicularly, what
effect could it possibly have?

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