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A Question About My Lawn
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Sunday, March 18, 2001, at 21:23:35

I was thinking about grass today. I was in the back seat of my mom's car, and I got to thinking. each individual blade of grass an individual plant, or do you consider the entire lawn to be one huge plant? Hmm...or do you consider a lawn to be made up of a bunch of CLUMPS of plants? What IS grass? Do the blades grow in bunches with their roots intertwined, or do they stand alone? What does grass symbolize poetically? Is it a symbol of unity and intra-personal relationships? Does grass have a purpose other than to feed animals and look nice? If you don't cut grass, how long will it grow? What is the longest blade of grass ever recorded? How many different varieties of grasses are there? Is crab grass really grass? Is grass more closely related to ferns, or to shrubberies? These, my friends, are the questions that give me nightmares at night.

~Den-"this has got to be the weirdest message I have ever posted"Kara

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