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Re: I wonder....
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999, at 19:06:22
In Reply To: Re: I wonder.... posted by Tyler on Wednesday, May 26, 1999, at 16:11:53:

> > Why is it that you never pull up to the drive-thru window at Burger King and see Dwight Eisenhower?
> >
> Eh?

I wonder why a mirror will switch your left and right, but not your top and bottom. Even if you turn it on it's side, it still switches only left and right.

I wonder why a Thermo keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. How does it know?

I wonder how many mirrors it will take to make a candle light up the gym.

I used to be 10 times my son's age. Then I was four times his age. Now I am only twice his age.
I wonder when he will catch up.

If you put your right hand in ice water and your left hand in very hot water, then put them both in water that is at room temperature, it will feel warm to your right hand and cold to your left. I wonder why?

Eisenhower??? I look for Harlan Sanders.

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