Re: Box Office Reports
Paul A., on host
Tuesday, May 25, 1999, at 05:46:45
Box Office Reports posted by Sam on Friday, May 21, 1999, at 11:58:52:
> It is time to fire all reports that report on box office grosses and replace them with people > who don't thrive so much on puns. For a long time now, box office headlights have read things > like: > > "Con Air soars at the box office." > "Maverick rides to the top." > "Titanic stays afloat."
The first headline in IMdB's Studio Briefing today reports that The Phantom Menace is COMING DOWN FROM HYPE-RSPACE.
The second poses the question: WILL IT SAIL PAST TITANIC?
> These are all bad enough. But now this kind of reporting has become mandatory, even for titles > for which there aren't any puns that even mean anything. I've actually seen: > > "Phantom Menace menaces box office." > "Never Been Kissed french kisses another $5 million."
Headline number three today: MUMMY REMAINS WELL HEELED.
I thought of this thread immediately.