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Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 22:31:37
In Reply To: Fear and Freaking out! posted by Jezzika on Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 10:36:01:

> I recently encountered one of my worst fears, and I reacted pretty badly. The strange part is that I have been in more dangerous situations than that, and have kept a level head. However, in this rather absurd instance, I FREAKED OUT!!!!! It was shameful. The only reason was one detail---it involved a phobia of mine that I usually keep under wraps.
> I was wondering, has this happened to anyone? Am I the only one (besides Howard, with his fear of cranes) who has a ridiculous fear, and how do you react when faced with it?
> For all the details on my freakout (hehe), go to my website. The link to the story is below.
> --Jez"still in fetal position"zika

Well, I didn't used to have any phobias at all, but I now have one because of an accident. I'm scared of water. Well, not really water itself, but being IN water, emmersed in it. It's all because I almost drowned in a swimming pool when I was 8 (I stupidly went into the deep end and didn't realize it).

The thing is though, I like to watch TV shows about scuba diving, and I love aquariums. Part of me wants to take up scuba diving, but I'm too afraid I'll soffucate.

Qua "Did I mention I hate submarines?" rtz

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