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Re: Phobias
Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2001, at 15:34:29
In Reply To: Re: Phobias posted by dingdong on Thursday, March 8, 2001, at 09:13:26:

> > Well, I didn't used to have any phobias at all, but I now have one because of an accident. I'm scared of water. Well, not really water itself, but being IN water, emmersed in it. It's all because I almost drowned in a swimming pool when I was 8 (I stupidly went into the deep end and didn't realize it).
> >
> > The thing is though, I like to watch TV shows about scuba diving, and I love aquariums. Part of me wants to take up scuba diving, but I'm too afraid I'll soffucate.
> >
> > Qua "Did I mention I hate submarines?" rtz
> > ~~*Q*~~

> I have a bit of phobia about water. And it's only in the ocean. I can handle being in a boat out on the ocean, I love that, but it's the idea of swimming in the ocean (beaches,etc) that terrifies me. I can handle swimming pools, regardless of their depth.
> I don't know what originally caused this, but I did have a lot of unsettling dreams about ocean water when I was little, such as: jumping in the water and not being able to find the top, being somewhere and the water comes flooding in and I have to run and escape it.
> Nothing has ever happened to me to cause any of this, it's quite irrational. Or maybe it's from a past life...
> ding"cue weird Twilight Zone music"dong

It's not the ocean itself that bothers me, and it's not so much the feeling that anything could be under me in the water (although that IS kind of creepy, like in the Creature from the Black Lagoon).

The thing that scares me is being so deep in the water you can't breathe or see. And I don't like submarines because you can breathe all right, but you're STILL surrounded by water. Ick.

Qua "It doesn't help that I'm a little claustrophobic too" rtz