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Re: the secret to time travel
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2001, at 10:44:14
In Reply To: Re: the secret to time travel posted by Jannette on Tuesday, February 27, 2001, at 21:28:19:

> > ding"I love the scene were, after years of settlement, a Human meets a Martian, and they can both see different things at the same time"dong
> Hmmm. I read the bit about the human and the Martian seeing different things (and I loved it too). But, I thought that was in "The Martian Chronicles". Was it in both books? I know there were a few parts of The Martian Chronicles that had been in other short stories. Maybe that was one, perhaps?
> Do svidaniya,
> Jannette

I do believe that was in _The Martian Chronicles_.

-Faux "Read that way back when..." Pas