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Re: the secret to time travel
Posted By: Jannette, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2001, at 21:28:19
In Reply To: Re: the secret to time travel posted by dingdong on Monday, February 26, 2001, at 20:37:04:

> I've recently been reading one of Bradbury's books, "The Silver Locusts", and loved it. But what is more amazing is the way he had rockets going to Mars and people colonising, but they still go down the road for butter and a soda, the morals and descriptions are still based in the 30s and 40s, it's just been transplanted into the future.
> ding"I love the scene were, after years of settlement, a Human meets a Martian, and they can both see different things at the same time"dong

Hmmm. I read the bit about the human and the Martian seeing different things (and I loved it too). But, I thought that was in "The Martian Chronicles". Was it in both books? I know there were a few parts of The Martian Chronicles that had been in other short stories. Maybe that was one, perhaps?

Do svidaniya,

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