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The DungeonMaster
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999, at 13:08:04

I just read the latest At-A-Glance review, the one of _The DungeonMaster_, and----

Oh my gosh.

I *remember* watching this movie several eons ago in the basement of a friend of a friend, probably not so long after it was unleashed (you can't really say it was "released"). That was back when we were part-time AD&D munchkins, and the two guys I was with really dug this film. I don't remember my own feelings about it very well, except for being sort of confused and a little bored, which is astonishing when you consider that this was the age at which I thought nearly every movie was cool, except of course for boring old drama.

I also seem to remember my friend telling me part of what he'd heard about the movie while we were on our way over to watch it, and he made a big deal out of the fact that seven different directors had contributed to it. If one director could make a cool movie, the reasoning went, then just think what *seven* could do! Weeell... Ever heard the expression "too many chiefs, not enough Native Americans"? (sorry, a little P.C. humor there) Any one of those seven directors could have produced a vastly superior film, if only by virtue of the fact that it would have been much shorter.

For some time now, every once in awhile this movie has popped into my head and I've tried to remember the name of it and what it was about. Now I recollect it more fully, and I can say that I am definitely no better off for having experienced this particular blast from the past. But it was still pretty neat to see it show up on RinkWorks.

Thanks, Sam.

Iss "+4 two-handed Q-tip of gouging" achar

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