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I just thought of something (I do that sometimes).
Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 05:43:47

I wish I had super powers. I want the ability to fly, super strengh, mind reading AND control, and a bullet-proof body. And I would be imprevious to everything except bad breath. I mostly want the ability to fly, but it could get chilly up there. I'd have to wear a sweater.
The only problem is, if I had ANY powers everybody would expect me to use them for the benefit of all mankind, and that's no good because I want them for MYSELF. Then again, maybe I could become a villain. They have cooler looking costumes, after all. And they get to laugh those great evil laughs (at which I'm really good). But they always lose, so never mind.
Here's a little survey for you: What super powers would you like to have? Besides what I wrote above I want a body like Wonder Woman, LOL. Only my costume wouldn't be as skimpy. She must catch colds a lot.


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