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Re: Rather Political Reasons Why Gore Did Great.
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 2, 2001, at 07:12:12
In Reply To: Re: Rather Political Reasons Why Gore Did Great. posted by gabby on Monday, January 1, 2001, at 18:49:51:

Rather interesting commentary.

>In the US, the liberal base is smaller than the conservative base, but the swing voters are more than numerous enough to make up for the difference.

Are you certain that there are more people who label themselves as "conservatives" than "liberal"s in the US? It might be more likely that the liberal base that is most likely to vote is smaller than the conservative base that is most likely to vote.

> gab"No idea what type of responses this will get"by

I honestly think that Gore lost because of two reasons:

1. He alienated swing voters by acting rude towards Bush during two of the three Presidential debates.

2. Despite conservatives calling newspapers and television news programs "the liberal media", the largest newspaper chains are actually conservative or at least owned by people who are conservative. The New York Post, one of the most-widely read papers here in Manhattan, was heavily pro-Repubulican from the very beginning of the primary season. News media are supposed to be objective. When a major paper's stories are published with a bias, they're going to influence swing/undecided voters.

-Faux "liberal media, ha" Pas

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