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Re: The Hitcher
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Saturday, April 24, 1999, at 21:35:25
In Reply To: Re: The Hitcher posted by Sam on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at 13:19:50:

>> I want to ask Dave to review this movie for
>>the IABBBBM section. I would, but I am not
>>nearly as eloquent as he is.
> I'll let him respond definitively if he so
>chooses (I believe he's out of town at the
>moment, though)

Heh, whatever gave you that idea? The fact that I didn't respond to a single email in about a week? :-)

I've never seen _The Hitcher_, but I'll definitely take it into consideration. Right now, I've got about four movies on tape that I need to watch. I haven't done a IABBBBM review in awhile.

I second Sam's thought that you write a reader review. That's what the page is there for. Don't worry if you're not "eloquent" (thanks, BTW, for the compliment), just write one. As long as it is sufficiently comprehensible and goes into why the movie was so bad at least a little bit, we'll probably post it.